AYTTO Massachusetts Scholastic Table Tennis League 2023/24 Team Registration

Calling all Massachusetts Middle and High school ping pong teams!!!

New Season starting November 2023 - February 2024
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: November 10th, 2023
Also, please download the student/athlete waiver form here and submit the forms to tournament director (jasper.wong@aytto.org):
Venues and Competition Dates
Costs and Fees: $200/team, team roster allows up to 6 students. If registering more than one team please contact jasper.wong@aytto.org.
(* financial aid is available for team(s) with eligible financial need. Please contact jasper.wong@aytto.org for details and consideration)
(*2023-2024 season registration deadline: Nov 10th, 2023)
About AYTTO Massachusetts Scholastic Table Tennis League
AYTTO Massachusetts Scholastic Table Tennis League (MASTTL) is the Massachusetts chapter of middle school and high school table tennis league under American Youth Table Tennis Organization (AYTTO). Its mission shares the one from Greater New York Table Tennis League (GNYTTL, also under AYTTO): “to facilitate the competitive desire for Public, Private and Charter schools to play table tennis in an organized league format”.
The league is open to public, private and charter middle/high schools located in Massachusetts and offers team play for Massachusetts middle/high school students. The league offers two levels of team play. The middle school division targets grade 6th to grade 8th students. The high school division targets grade 9th to grade 12th students. Division championships will be held at the end of season or computed as part of giant round robin. Top performing teams from Massachusetts may get invited to AYTTO’s national championship usually held at the end of school year.
*AYTTO is a 501c3 not for profit organization that has run successful table tennis programs at many New York City Schools over the past 10 years. It has the resources and know-how to foster, in partnership with interested schools, a highly successful and engaging league. For more information on AYTTO visit www.aytto.org. or email jasper.wong@aytto.org
League Rules
1. Officials: ALL matches are self-officiated, meaning that students will be taught and provide materials needed to score matches.
2. Meet Referee: Either a tournament referee or the home coach (if hosted at school) will be the school meet referee to settle any disputes that may arise.
3. Meet Format: The format is team. Student-Athletes represent a school and play for their team.
4. Venues: (* Massachusetts matches will be played at selected AYTTO venues) Matches will be played at host schools where there are more than two or more tables. Schools that don’t have table tennis tables must either purchase table tennis tables or find a nearby school that has tables.
5. Practice Sessions: Schools are encouraged to spend time practicing table tennis and training. A minimum of two practices each week is recommended.
6. Pre-Program Training: (*for AYTTO Afterschool Program participants) Coaches will have the ability to sign up for a free pre-program training on how to effectively teach table tennis in a group environment.
7. Equipment: All equipment must be ITTF or USATT approved. Table Tennis Racquets, specifically, table tennis racquet coverings be International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) or USA Table Tennis Approved. The league will modify these rules somewhat to allow flexibility, but it is recommended that all coaches inform their students to play with “approved” racquets. You may find the ITTF or USATT seal of approval on each rubber sheet, with either an ITTF stamp # with the ITTF logo or with a USATT approved logo.
8. Tee Shirts, Shorts, Track Pants and Playing Shoes. School tee shirts are the responsibility of the school. Tournament balls are white, so tee shirts need to be any color but white for competitive play. No sweatshirts or long sleeve shirts or jackets permitted. Student athletes must wear shorts or track pants and athletic shoes (gummed soles) at all competitions. Each school is required to wear the same uniform during matches. Some venues require non-black/marking sole shoes, please check with tournament director for exact requirements.
9 Scheduling: (for school year 2023-2024)
Nov 19th, 2023 @ Mastiff Table Tennis Club, 123 High St., Dedham, MA
Jan 21st, 2024 @ Boston Table Tennis Club, 407 Mystic Ave. Rear, Suite 24, Medford, MA
10. Match Days: Each coach must bring roster sheets, waiver forms and racquets to each competition.
11. Commissioner: AYTTO will designate a commissioner, the commissioner will be responsible for communications and ensuring league rules are enforced; and to settle any disputes. The commissioner will also post all match results to each team coach or captain.
12. Assistant Commissioner/League Referee: AYTTO will appoint an assistant commissioner/Head Referee to the league. This person will be highly knowledgeable of the sport and will advise the commissioner on policy and rules. Assistant commissioner will also assist in collecting results and data and in coordinating final culminating event.
13. Divisions: The league will feature middle and high school divisions and teams will broken up by groups consisting of 3-5 teams based on geographic locations for the convenience of travel. Larger group size may also be considered
14. League Championship - Culminating Event: Top two teams from each division will be invited to the League Championship at the end of the season. Depending on the number of divisions, at least two wild card teams based on total points. Regular season results will determine the seeding during the championship. Stay tuned for further announcements.
15. Clothing: Students are expected to play in solid color shirt, shorts and sneakers. The official color of the league ball is white (therefore no white attire permitted).
16. Gender: All matches are Co-Ed. All genders are strongly encouraged to play.
Varsity Teams: Each school will field at least one varsity team Co-Ed team.
Team Size: Minimum 3 players and up to 6 players per team (roster).
Divisions: The league will consist of middle school division and high school division. Â All teams are CO-ED.
Meets: Each team meet will play according to the international team championship format. 4 singles and 1 doubles matches. Team that wins 3 out of the 5 matches wins the meet. Massachusetts has three Championship events:
- Massachusetts League Championship (middle/high schools, inter-division)
- Massachusetts Middle School Division Championship
- Massachusetts High School Division Championship
Only division records will be counted toward the standings. Total scores will be used for the at large invitation of the national championship tournament
Matches: All matches during the regular season will be two out of 3 games to 11 points.
Game: All games best of 11 (deuce scoring when game is tied).
Scoring: Each school team meet won will count as 3 point. Losing team will count for 1 point. Top two teams from each division will earn automatic invites to the national championship tournament. The league may also invite at least two more teams to the national championship based first on the total points and then by the strength of play.
Rounds: At each meet, school will play each varsity team against one another. Each school will play one home meet and one away meet for each other school in regional group. If larger group is formed then each school only plays against other once. (* Massachusetts league uses the large group format)
Roster and Match Score Sheets: Prior to each match each school is required to fill out a roster sheet. It is important the coaches fill out the roster sheet without knowledge of the other team.
Table Tennis Rules: The league is abiding to the USA Table Tennis Rules and Regulations
Forfeitures: A team that fails to provide sufficient students to field a team will lose that match. A team that cancels within 48-hour window, will lose the match 3-0 with that match counted in the results. The only exception will be inclement weather. A team who loses without sufficient players still earns a point where as the team fails to show up will not have a single point.
Disputes: Table tennis is a self-officiated sport. If applicable, in the event that the host school and the traveling school coach cannot resolve the dispute, one or both teams can file a grievance with the Commissioner who will arbitrate and make a final decision.